I don't know why women think that if they end a relationship with a man, that life as they know it is over!
Why are we so drama??? Having a man does not define you! Honestly, just like you got that man, God will surely send you someone else. Now, don't get it twisted. I am not one of those chicks who say "I don't need a man" or "All men are dogs!" There is just something that women must do....We must love ourselves! Only then can we love a man and expect him to love us the way we need to be loved. This is sooo important to our success in life as a daugther, mother, wife, friend, co-worker...We must love ourselves.
The reason why we end up in some of the situations we do, is because the unconditional love for ourselves is not there. How can you expect a man to treat you right, when you can't even do the same for yourself. And I have been through it all. I was even in a relationship where I am certain I loved this guy more than I did myself. And yes, there is such thing of loving someone too much, because I don't know if you know this, but God is a jealous God. He does not want you putting someone else before him. That just won't work. And this is what I was doing...which resulted in God taking that person away from me. I had to realize that and since I have, I focus on loving myself. My relationships are not perfect, but I love myself. All of the rest will fall in place.
I look at the Rhianna and Chris Brown situation. I don't care what went down, whether he hit her first or if she punched him first, she is with him after all that hell, because she does not love herself enough. How is it we get this way? What has happened to us that keeps the love for ourselves at bay? Is is because we as women are nurturing and care for others, sort of like the motherly instinct, which results in us leaving ourselves out? I don't know but I am sure that whatever it is, the cycle must end.
I want my future husband to see the way I love God and myself...which will then let him know firsthand the kind of love I am offering and expecting to receive in return from him.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, 6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
See No Evil
Haven't written in awhile...and it's not cause I don't care, I've just been super busy!!! I still have that peace that I mentioned last week. I've been feeling really good...still so thankful for the way things are going in my life.
I went out this weekend with friends and had a blast. One of my friends is really trying to hook me up with her husband's boss. He saw a pic of me from one of our nights out and he was really digging me she says. Only problem is, she has not seen him before. He said all this stuff to her husband. He's some kind of ranking officer in the Navy. Word is he really has his stuff together. Knows how to act, wants great things for his future and taking the necessary steps too. This is refreshing because those type of guys aren't plentiful...endangered species I say :-) He even wrote his number down on a piece of paper for me to call him. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. He seems to know just what he wants. Now, I'm sure he is a nice guy and all, but blind dates are not a way to go for me. She suggested they have a BBQ and we can see each other that way. This scenario will work better because it's not like we have to just talk to each other. There will be other folk around and we can talk only if we want. The plan is in the works for the BBQ sometime next month. We'll see how that goes! I'll be sure to blog about it lol!
So you may be wondering why I'm not a fan of blind dates...and the answer is because I had the most terrible experience years ago when I was in high school. All my life, people have tried to hook me up with guys they know, whether it be a friend, brother, cousin, etc. It seems that I'm the one they see who is perfect for the guy they know. This particular instance, a friend of mine called me with his friend on 3-way. (You remember being on 3-way back in the day was the thing!) So, my friend Mike had to hang up, but the guy he wanted me to talk to, Ray wanted to continue the conversation. He was nice and charming. He asked me to describe myself, and I did so honestly, because I thought that was the right thing to do. Oh but when the tables turned, he described himself in such a way that made him seem too good to be true...and believe me, he was. We met shortly after that and I was disgusted for 2 reasons. #1 he completely lied to me about the way he looked. #2 he looked awful! Not my type at all. Maybe if he was still cute even though he lied, I would have still talked to him, but he was not a cutie lol! I scolded my friend Mike for even considering hooking me up with such a creature, he laughed and said he didn't judge dudes. What a way to be accountable! So this is why blind dates are to be avoided! That was one time that scarred me for life. I wonder where that lying fool is now. He's probably still at it. Maybe one of those guys on myspace who post pics of others on their profile pretending that it's him :-) If you're reading this and that's what you do...shame on you! HAHAHAHA!
I went out this weekend with friends and had a blast. One of my friends is really trying to hook me up with her husband's boss. He saw a pic of me from one of our nights out and he was really digging me she says. Only problem is, she has not seen him before. He said all this stuff to her husband. He's some kind of ranking officer in the Navy. Word is he really has his stuff together. Knows how to act, wants great things for his future and taking the necessary steps too. This is refreshing because those type of guys aren't plentiful...endangered species I say :-) He even wrote his number down on a piece of paper for me to call him. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. He seems to know just what he wants. Now, I'm sure he is a nice guy and all, but blind dates are not a way to go for me. She suggested they have a BBQ and we can see each other that way. This scenario will work better because it's not like we have to just talk to each other. There will be other folk around and we can talk only if we want. The plan is in the works for the BBQ sometime next month. We'll see how that goes! I'll be sure to blog about it lol!
So you may be wondering why I'm not a fan of blind dates...and the answer is because I had the most terrible experience years ago when I was in high school. All my life, people have tried to hook me up with guys they know, whether it be a friend, brother, cousin, etc. It seems that I'm the one they see who is perfect for the guy they know. This particular instance, a friend of mine called me with his friend on 3-way. (You remember being on 3-way back in the day was the thing!) So, my friend Mike had to hang up, but the guy he wanted me to talk to, Ray wanted to continue the conversation. He was nice and charming. He asked me to describe myself, and I did so honestly, because I thought that was the right thing to do. Oh but when the tables turned, he described himself in such a way that made him seem too good to be true...and believe me, he was. We met shortly after that and I was disgusted for 2 reasons. #1 he completely lied to me about the way he looked. #2 he looked awful! Not my type at all. Maybe if he was still cute even though he lied, I would have still talked to him, but he was not a cutie lol! I scolded my friend Mike for even considering hooking me up with such a creature, he laughed and said he didn't judge dudes. What a way to be accountable! So this is why blind dates are to be avoided! That was one time that scarred me for life. I wonder where that lying fool is now. He's probably still at it. Maybe one of those guys on myspace who post pics of others on their profile pretending that it's him :-) If you're reading this and that's what you do...shame on you! HAHAHAHA!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
So I can be FAMOUS???
I'm watching Sunday Best on BET right now...up in here having church again!!! There are really some folk on here who have been blessed with the gift of singing. I love music and those who know how to deliver a great performance are uplifting.
Ok so this lady just tried to plead her case for going through to be on the show and she says, "I've been singing since I was 2!!"
I'm looking like...so what? Why do people think that if they started singing right out the womb that they are entitled to be a great singer? What about those that woke up one morning at the age of 20 that wanted to sing. This doesn't mean they are any less of a singer...just because they weren't videotaped as a child singing the lead in the choir, does not mean that God did not bless them with a voice that can have an impact on others. Just a thought...
If all that matters then I need to go ahead and start videotaping myself singing...you know since I gotta make it big and all. I've been humming since I was a baby, my mother just didn't think to video it...Gosh! I could be famous now!
Happy Sunday :-)
Ok so this lady just tried to plead her case for going through to be on the show and she says, "I've been singing since I was 2!!"
I'm looking like...so what? Why do people think that if they started singing right out the womb that they are entitled to be a great singer? What about those that woke up one morning at the age of 20 that wanted to sing. This doesn't mean they are any less of a singer...just because they weren't videotaped as a child singing the lead in the choir, does not mean that God did not bless them with a voice that can have an impact on others. Just a thought...
If all that matters then I need to go ahead and start videotaping myself singing...you know since I gotta make it big and all. I've been humming since I was a baby, my mother just didn't think to video it...Gosh! I could be famous now!
Happy Sunday :-)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
If you got it...flaunt it!
I've been so busy today!
All I want to say is I feel really good right now! I have this peace that has taken over me. I know that everything is going to work out in my life in all areas. This may not make any sense, but this is how I feel.
I have "peace that surpasses all understanding"...
So I ask you simply...
Got peace?
All I want to say is I feel really good right now! I have this peace that has taken over me. I know that everything is going to work out in my life in all areas. This may not make any sense, but this is how I feel.
I have "peace that surpasses all understanding"...
So I ask you simply...
Got peace?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
ReAdInG iS fUnDaMeNtAl
You know us women like to read books about relationships. Two of my girls and I are reading Steve Harvey's new book together..."Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man". One of my girls came up with the idea to read then discuss. I've only read about 3 pages because I have been so busy...which is bad because one of my girls is almost finished! I'll get with it soon I hope.
Like I said, haven't read that many pages, so I really don't know if I will like the book or not. A friend of mine that read it said it was a little slow and drawn out like Steve Harvey is on his morning show, which falls in line with some reviews I've been reading. Others have loved the book, saying it provided real world advice for women. I hope that it turns out to be a good read, I'm pretty sure it will.
One thing I will be looking for in this book is validation to things I've already known for some time. In reality, once you've been through certain situations you kinda know how to handle certain people...in this case men. I've had some crazy situations with guys over the years...as I get older, it's less crazy because I have learned from my mistakes, as well as the mistakes of others when it comes to relationships. I'm actually pretty proud of myself in that area. There is always room for improvement, but I'm not necessarily looking to improve from reading this book. I believe that the greatest experience is getting together as friends and discussing our thoughts on points from the book. I am thankful that my friends have been in situations and have learned from them...it's just plain sorry to not show any growth over the years. How are you going to make it through life going thru the same crap all the time. There are actually people out there who are okay with this! Losers!
Now back to the book, I would have to say that while it is important to talk to women about relationships issues...I've gotten the greatest success talking to other men. My guy friends that I have are invaluable to me. These are not the guys I date. They are who I learn from. I talk to them about relationships...mines and theirs. There is one friend I've had for a long time that's like a brother to me. I know him like the back of my hand, and vice versa. We have those talks. And I guarantee you, there is info presented that cannot be learned in any book, talk show, online site etc. Besides that, the best way to learn is from experience. That is my thought. Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading the book and sharing my thoughts along the way. Maybe you should read it too! Let me know what you think...

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
A friend sent me a link to take a quiz titled "What do guys like about you?''
Interesting huh? I thought so, which is why I took the quiz. I like for people to tell me about myself...even if it turns out to be something I already know. In this case, I would like to think I have a clear idea of what guys like about me, but who knows? The one thing I may think makes a guy yearn to be in my presence, may not be it.
So before I took this quiz I tried to come up with a few things that I believe guys like about me. I'm pretty confident so the list of a few turned into a list of many lol! One thing I believe guys like about me that I really appreciate is my personality. I am a cool, down to earth chick. I want the best for everybody and I try to motivate others to be all they can be. I love hard, though not very often. Love is important to me so I choose wisely. Once a guy has my heart, he will know it and feel appreciated by me.
So here are the results of the quiz...
I would like to agree that I am charming. The blessing can turn out to be a curse though, because those that I want to forget me have a hard time doing so. It in turn makes me feel bad and I try to keep the lines of communication open but only briefly. Some folk just can't move on. I know that some of us are guilty of this also...but just speaking in regards to my being charming and all...hahahaha! And the part about the bad hair day is sooooo true! I have met the greatest number of guys over my lifetime thinking I was looking tore down!!! I mean, I have been in sweats with a tank top, hair pulled back, plain as ever...and this is when men approach me the most. Of course, me being the direct person that I am, I have asked guys why this is. Most of them reply saying they like me that way because I seem more natural. It's not like when I get all dolled up to go out for a night on the town...just being regular me. Another guy said he likes it when I look comfortable...I have a glow about myself when I'm comfortable. I like that one. I've also gotten answers like, I seem more approachable when I'm dressed down. Does that mean that the guy is intimidated? If he is, then I don't want him coming my way anyway! How charming of me huh? :-)
Anyway, I think I'll try some more of these quizzes and see what comes of it...
Interesting huh? I thought so, which is why I took the quiz. I like for people to tell me about myself...even if it turns out to be something I already know. In this case, I would like to think I have a clear idea of what guys like about me, but who knows? The one thing I may think makes a guy yearn to be in my presence, may not be it.
So before I took this quiz I tried to come up with a few things that I believe guys like about me. I'm pretty confident so the list of a few turned into a list of many lol! One thing I believe guys like about me that I really appreciate is my personality. I am a cool, down to earth chick. I want the best for everybody and I try to motivate others to be all they can be. I love hard, though not very often. Love is important to me so I choose wisely. Once a guy has my heart, he will know it and feel appreciated by me.
So here are the results of the quiz...
Guys Like That You're Charming |
You're the girl most guys can't get out of their heads Even if they met you on a bad hair day :-) You just seem to "click" with everyone you meet So even if a guy forgets about you for a second... his friends haven't! |
I would like to agree that I am charming. The blessing can turn out to be a curse though, because those that I want to forget me have a hard time doing so. It in turn makes me feel bad and I try to keep the lines of communication open but only briefly. Some folk just can't move on. I know that some of us are guilty of this also...but just speaking in regards to my being charming and all...hahahaha! And the part about the bad hair day is sooooo true! I have met the greatest number of guys over my lifetime thinking I was looking tore down!!! I mean, I have been in sweats with a tank top, hair pulled back, plain as ever...and this is when men approach me the most. Of course, me being the direct person that I am, I have asked guys why this is. Most of them reply saying they like me that way because I seem more natural. It's not like when I get all dolled up to go out for a night on the town...just being regular me. Another guy said he likes it when I look comfortable...I have a glow about myself when I'm comfortable. I like that one. I've also gotten answers like, I seem more approachable when I'm dressed down. Does that mean that the guy is intimidated? If he is, then I don't want him coming my way anyway! How charming of me huh? :-)
Anyway, I think I'll try some more of these quizzes and see what comes of it...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Wasting the day away...but for good reason!
I'm still recovering from a wonderful night on yesterday...it was a bday celebration for me. A friend of mine told me that it was gonna happen last week, and he wasn't lying. It was at this very nice restaurant that turns into a social setting after 10pm. I loved it! We partied it up grown and sexy style, which is a relief, cause I really don't see a lot of that here lol! I love it when blacks can get together and have a good time, no drama, no fights...just kickin it hard!
I feel really special though! This is the first bday celebration I've had with the people here. Last year my girls came down to visit and we did have a great time. I am just thankful that the people here care enough about me to help me continue on with my bday festivities! This is when I really like it here...when I realize that I have met a great group of people that I can hang out with. I know that the friends I have cannot be replaced at all, but it is comforting to find folk here who share my same interests. We are going to pick up next weekend with more celebrating!!!
The girls chipped in and got me wine glasses as a gift! This may not seem like much, but it's actually very thoughtful considering I had a superbowl party at my house and we had wine to drink...but no wine glasses to drink out of!! So instead, we had to drink out of blue cups, which was not classy at all lol! Now, I have wine glasses so that my guests can enjoy their wine with class!!! Not only the guests, but me too...if I'm feeling up to it. :-)
I was thinking last night that my friends looked so cute. I love it when women/men can go out together and be on the same page in terms of style. Nobody stuck out like a sore thumb. Just classy...Is that materialistic of me? I'm a believer that a person should care about their appearance. I learned when I started my job that "nobody cares about those who don't care about themselves." Do you agree? Just think about it. Why do you think there is so much emphasis on dressing the part, the do's and don'ts of appearance. That's because it matters. Now a lot of people say "like me for who I am on the inside" and that's ok in certain situations, but most of the time that is a bunch of crap. Mainly because if you see someone who looks like a bum in a club or restaurant etc. , you won't want to give that person the time of day. Not saying you will be mean to the person, but you automatically wonder, "What was he/she thinking coming in here with that on?" I know it because I have observed how others react to people like that. Honestly, I have been that person wondering if the other person looked in the mirror before they left the house. It doesn't take a lot to look decent, but it does mean that you care about yourself if you do. It's those that put more time into the look that are much more fabulous than the next. Just my random thoughts. Am I being unreasonable?
I feel really special though! This is the first bday celebration I've had with the people here. Last year my girls came down to visit and we did have a great time. I am just thankful that the people here care enough about me to help me continue on with my bday festivities! This is when I really like it here...when I realize that I have met a great group of people that I can hang out with. I know that the friends I have cannot be replaced at all, but it is comforting to find folk here who share my same interests. We are going to pick up next weekend with more celebrating!!!
The girls chipped in and got me wine glasses as a gift! This may not seem like much, but it's actually very thoughtful considering I had a superbowl party at my house and we had wine to drink...but no wine glasses to drink out of!! So instead, we had to drink out of blue cups, which was not classy at all lol! Now, I have wine glasses so that my guests can enjoy their wine with class!!! Not only the guests, but me too...if I'm feeling up to it. :-)
I was thinking last night that my friends looked so cute. I love it when women/men can go out together and be on the same page in terms of style. Nobody stuck out like a sore thumb. Just classy...Is that materialistic of me? I'm a believer that a person should care about their appearance. I learned when I started my job that "nobody cares about those who don't care about themselves." Do you agree? Just think about it. Why do you think there is so much emphasis on dressing the part, the do's and don'ts of appearance. That's because it matters. Now a lot of people say "like me for who I am on the inside" and that's ok in certain situations, but most of the time that is a bunch of crap. Mainly because if you see someone who looks like a bum in a club or restaurant etc. , you won't want to give that person the time of day. Not saying you will be mean to the person, but you automatically wonder, "What was he/she thinking coming in here with that on?" I know it because I have observed how others react to people like that. Honestly, I have been that person wondering if the other person looked in the mirror before they left the house. It doesn't take a lot to look decent, but it does mean that you care about yourself if you do. It's those that put more time into the look that are much more fabulous than the next. Just my random thoughts. Am I being unreasonable?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wanna Be on Top???
I'm watching the season premiere of America's Next Top Model (ANTM) right now. This is definitely one of the few shows I will watch (or DVR and watch later). The show is great because I like to see the girls go through the challenges and wear different fashion designers, but one downside is......Tyra Banks. I mean, she is beautiful and definitely smart to have built a name for herself, but she is freakin crazy!!! She comes up with these crazy themes for the beginning of the shows that make no sense at all. Last season she was acting like an alien that was beamed down from space, now she is the goddess of fierce with Roman warriors around her. I just don't know what she will think of next...but I will keep watching ANTM. I rarely watch her talk show because she has some crazy stuff on that too lol!
The funniest thing on the show is that she is always talking about how she is a retired model, but always finds ways to show her modeling techniques. I mean she will literally strike a pose when she is talking whether it's happy, sad, excited, depressed, constipated etc. You get my drift...lol!
To prove a bit of her craziness, check out this video from one of the early seasons of ANTM. She went crazy, hopefully she won't do it again on this season...if she does, I'll write about it and post the video too... :-)
The funniest thing on the show is that she is always talking about how she is a retired model, but always finds ways to show her modeling techniques. I mean she will literally strike a pose when she is talking whether it's happy, sad, excited, depressed, constipated etc. You get my drift...lol!
To prove a bit of her craziness, check out this video from one of the early seasons of ANTM. She went crazy, hopefully she won't do it again on this season...if she does, I'll write about it and post the video too... :-)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Yeah, I'm the Birthday Girl...
It's been a minute I know since I last wrote...soooo much has happened! First of all, I am one year older than I was since my last post...yes, my birthday was yesterday! YAY me! I left Florida on Friday with plans to go to Atlanta after stopping in my home town for a bit...but my plans were overruled when the bad weather started. Ugh! It was tornado watches all around and I'm no fool...I was not going to be driving down I-20 to Atlanta getting swooped up by a tornado! We played it safe and stayed in town. At first I was feeling a little down, but you know me...always trying to see the positive in things! We ended up going out the entire weekend, trying to make up for not going on our road trip. I still had a fabulous time. I got to spend time with friends, family, and even see people I haven't seen in awhile...which is always a treat for me. We always have a great time...kicking it is what we do best :-) Oh and I do love the shopping in my hometown so I could not resist going to the mall...you know, since I didn't get to shop in Atlanta. That's the only reason I went lol! The weekend went by extra fast too. You know what they say...time flies when you are having fun!
I was in for a total surprise though when I woke up Sunday morning to snow!!! I could not believe it! It was snowing on my birthday! That has never happened to me before. I loved it. It was beautiful. Now that I live in Florida, snow is not always around the corner...so I took it all in :-) I actually took some pics on my Blackberry but am having a hard time sending them thru email. I am almost positive it's something that I'm doing wrong, but hey no biggie. The snow only lasted for several hours though. It was there that morning and had vanished by the afternoon...just in time for my birthday dinner!
Anyways, my bday celebration is not over...One of my guy friends down here in FL calls me and tells me that I'm having a bday party this Friday. I of course was confused. He basically told me not to ask any questions, just tell my girls, and be there ready to party! I am happy to oblige. I'm looking forward to it too! We will see what happens...at least I will definitely have something cute to wear since I'm apparently the guest of honor!!! :-)
And after that, the celebration is still not over!!! I celebrate my bday the entire month of March. I haven't planned everything out as good as last year, but I'm definitely going to party hard. To top it all off, at the end of the month I'll be going to Vegas on a business trip...how cool is that? Partly because it's Vegas, and partly because I don't have to pay a dime! Free trips are fine with me lol!
I am so thankful that God has allowed me to see another year, another birthday. I really appreciate those that are part of my life and are having a positive impact. I am blessed to have a loving family and fabulous friends. Happy Birthday to me!!!
I was in for a total surprise though when I woke up Sunday morning to snow!!! I could not believe it! It was snowing on my birthday! That has never happened to me before. I loved it. It was beautiful. Now that I live in Florida, snow is not always around the corner...so I took it all in :-) I actually took some pics on my Blackberry but am having a hard time sending them thru email. I am almost positive it's something that I'm doing wrong, but hey no biggie. The snow only lasted for several hours though. It was there that morning and had vanished by the afternoon...just in time for my birthday dinner!
Anyways, my bday celebration is not over...One of my guy friends down here in FL calls me and tells me that I'm having a bday party this Friday. I of course was confused. He basically told me not to ask any questions, just tell my girls, and be there ready to party! I am happy to oblige. I'm looking forward to it too! We will see what happens...at least I will definitely have something cute to wear since I'm apparently the guest of honor!!! :-)
And after that, the celebration is still not over!!! I celebrate my bday the entire month of March. I haven't planned everything out as good as last year, but I'm definitely going to party hard. To top it all off, at the end of the month I'll be going to Vegas on a business trip...how cool is that? Partly because it's Vegas, and partly because I don't have to pay a dime! Free trips are fine with me lol!
I am so thankful that God has allowed me to see another year, another birthday. I really appreciate those that are part of my life and are having a positive impact. I am blessed to have a loving family and fabulous friends. Happy Birthday to me!!!
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