Sunday, March 22, 2009

See No Evil

Haven't written in awhile...and it's not cause I don't care, I've just been super busy!!! I still have that peace that I mentioned last week. I've been feeling really good...still so thankful for the way things are going in my life.

I went out this weekend with friends and had a blast. One of my friends is really trying to hook me up with her husband's boss. He saw a pic of me from one of our nights out and he was really digging me she says. Only problem is, she has not seen him before. He said all this stuff to her husband. He's some kind of ranking officer in the Navy. Word is he really has his stuff together. Knows how to act, wants great things for his future and taking the necessary steps too. This is refreshing because those type of guys aren't plentiful...endangered species I say :-) He even wrote his number down on a piece of paper for me to call him. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. He seems to know just what he wants. Now, I'm sure he is a nice guy and all, but blind dates are not a way to go for me. She suggested they have a BBQ and we can see each other that way. This scenario will work better because it's not like we have to just talk to each other. There will be other folk around and we can talk only if we want. The plan is in the works for the BBQ sometime next month. We'll see how that goes! I'll be sure to blog about it lol!

So you may be wondering why I'm not a fan of blind dates...and the answer is because I had the most terrible experience years ago when I was in high school. All my life, people have tried to hook me up with guys they know, whether it be a friend, brother, cousin, etc. It seems that I'm the one they see who is perfect for the guy they know. This particular instance, a friend of mine called me with his friend on 3-way. (You remember being on 3-way back in the day was the thing!) So, my friend Mike had to hang up, but the guy he wanted me to talk to, Ray wanted to continue the conversation. He was nice and charming. He asked me to describe myself, and I did so honestly, because I thought that was the right thing to do. Oh but when the tables turned, he described himself in such a way that made him seem too good to be true...and believe me, he was. We met shortly after that and I was disgusted for 2 reasons. #1 he completely lied to me about the way he looked. #2 he looked awful! Not my type at all. Maybe if he was still cute even though he lied, I would have still talked to him, but he was not a cutie lol! I scolded my friend Mike for even considering hooking me up with such a creature, he laughed and said he didn't judge dudes. What a way to be accountable! So this is why blind dates are to be avoided! That was one time that scarred me for life. I wonder where that lying fool is now. He's probably still at it. Maybe one of those guys on myspace who post pics of others on their profile pretending that it's him :-) If you're reading this and that's what you do...shame on you! HAHAHAHA!

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