Sunday, February 15, 2009

Following My Passion

I finally did it! I've always wanted to start my own business, but never went through with it. Now, I can say that I am an entrepreneur! I launched SimplySavvy Resumes last month and the rest is history!

I created the website on my own and am extremely proud of it. I never would have imagined that I would start the business, but here I am!

I have a passion for helping others better their career lives. I'm the type who wants the best for everybody. I want everyone to succeed. SimplySavvy Resumes gives me the chance to do so. I write and revise resumes and other business documents. God has truly blessed me in this venture. I have received tons of support from family, friends, and even people that I don't know. How cool is that? :-) Anyway, I am so confident that things will continue to go well with SimplySavvy!

There are so many people out there who have resumes that do not market their skills effectively. This can be detrimental to a job search whether they know it or not. The thing about it is, it does not have to be. I want to change all that. SimplySavvy Resumes will change all that!

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