Thursday, February 26, 2009

Babies' Mama Drama

I am getting sick and tired of hearing about the octuplets mom...she is definitely using this media coverage to her advantage. Ever been around somebody who talks a lot, but says a whole lot of nothing? Well that's her...she had an interview and proved that she does not understand the words that are coming out of her mouth!!!

So this lady just has 8 babies!! She already has 6 kids...of which she is having a hard time taking care of! I don't understand why she would keep having kids. She said in an interview that she loves children so much! Ok so deal with your own kids! She claims that all the children have the same father...who knows? And get this, apparently the father has repeatedly requested that she not use his sperm for anymore kids...but what does she do? She keeps impregnating herself, without any regard to him or the kids she is addicted to having. I believe that she has mental issues. She is educated, currently working on her master's degree but that does not mean that she is able to make rational decisions. Now, there haven't been any harmful issues with her raising her 6 kids, but now her family has more than doubled! She currently receives 3 disability checks for one with autism, one with ADHD, and one with some other issue. She also receives food stamps.

What a message she is sending! Have a whole bunch of kids that you have no idea how you're going to take care of and live off of handouts. This is why our children are suffering in America! It's not their fault, they are born into this madness. There are mothers nationwide who don't think about the consequences of having children that you can't afford, only because it is easy to get other types of government aid. Then we have the mothers and families that are struggling and doing all they can for the future of their children that receive no help. I know because I experienced that growing up. My mother was a single mom, struggling to raise my brother and I...she did this by getting up every morning and going to work. Not sitting on her behind collecting a check...

Check out this video of the octuplets mom having a spat with her mother...still can't believe this woman is getting so much media attention. She even got a million dollar offer from the porn industry...what a way to be a role model for her 14 kids...

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